About Us

Hello everyone, Mark Jones here!
I grew up in Clever Missouri and from 2005-2008 I was a volunteer firefighter while excavating full time. I aspired to be a firefighter, but ultimately made the decision to stay in the family business of excavation.
For the next 17 years I learned how to read plans (blue prints), and how to put those plans on the ground, how to do a job (and how not to do a job), learned the types of soils it takes to hold water for ponds & lakes, build pads that would pass density tests & proof rolls, turn a wooded lot into a park like setting, install underground utilities, and cut parking lots to grade.
I learned how to work efficiently and to never leave a project I wasn’t proud of.
My history has shaped me into the operator I am today. These last two decades I have learned, critiqued, and will continue mastering my abilities as an excavator.
Reach out today! Let's work together.